Backface culling of Earth countries and provinces not working properly.
(too old to reply)
Skybuck Flying
2022-08-09 15:02:09 UTC
I found this dataset first because I was searching for JSON file format:


It seems to be a conversion of version 4 of this github repository, but I am running into a problem:

I am trying to render polygon lines in such a way that only the front of the sphere/globe is showing, but some parts of the backside is also showing, I am not sure why this is, perhaps an issue with the input data ? or perhaps the conversion process ? or perhaps some issue with GLScene or OpenGL ?

I could try and read the dbf file to see if these backface culling problems are caused by the conversion, or if this is simply part of this dataset, and I will try and use version 5.

Skybuck Flying
2022-08-09 15:06:51 UTC
(Original version 5):

Skybuck Flying
2022-08-09 15:38:38 UTC
Post by Skybuck Flying
I am trying to render polygon lines in such a way that only the front of the sphere/globe is showing, but some parts of the backside is also showing, I am not sure why this is, perhaps an issue with the input data ? or perhaps the conversion process ? or perhaps some issue with GLScene or OpenGL ?
Correct video link will be:

if google manages to process it.

I had to cut something off at the end, some sensitive data was leaked :)
Post by Skybuck Flying
I could try and read the dbf file to see if these backface culling problems are caused by the conversion, or if this is simply part of this dataset, and I will try and use version 5.